Trace Mayer

Trace Mayer

Formal First Name

Trace Mayer is the Host of The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast. He is an entrepreneur, investor, journalist, and monetary scientist. He is a popular champion of monetary sovereignty, aiming to provide ideas and information on monetary science and economics that will help people combat false ideas infesting the marketplace. Mayer has presented to a wide variety of audiences, including major financial institutions and members of the Federal Reserve and Bundesbank. He speaks on Bitcoin, financial cryptography, digital currency, and entrepreneurship, and cybersecurity.

  • Mayer has studied Austrian economics, focusing on the work of Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises.
  • He was one of the first bloggers to publicly recommend Bitcoin as a virtual currency, even in its infancy with a market cap under $2m.
  • In 2013, he helped organize and presented at the first Bitcoin conference.
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.