Business Ethics

Business Ethics

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Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings

Business Ethics carefully reviews the decision-making process of business leaders and their perspective and insights to recognize and resolve ethical issues. With a thorough basis for evaluating business ethics, it also covers real examples of business decisions that display patterns of behaviors and choices through a combination of short and long cases, readings, hypothetical situations, and current ethical dilemmas. This book can help you gain a better understanding of common threads and patterns of ethical challenges that provides relevant issues. Business Ethics provides a historical perspective as you learn how individuals slip into behavior that lead to ethical and legal breaches.

UNIT 1: Ethical Theory, Philosophical Foundations, Our Reasoning Flaws, and Types of Ethical Dilemmas
Section A: Defining Ethics
Section B: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
UNIT 2: Solving Ethical Dilemmas and Personal Introspection
Section A: Business and Ethics: How do they work together?
Section B: What Gets in the way of ethical decisions in business?
Section C: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Business
UNIT 3: Business, Stakeholders, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability
Section A: Business and Society: The Tough Issues of Economics, Social Responsibility, and Business br>Section B: Applying social responsibility and stakeholder theory
Section C: Social responsibility and sustainability
Section D: Government as a Stakeholder
UNIT 4: Ethics and Organizational Culture
Section A: Temptation at work for individual gain and that credo
Section B: The Organizational Behavior factors
Section C: The structural factors: Governance, example, and leadership
Section D: The industry practices and legal factors
Section E: The Fear-and-Silence factors
Section F: The Culture of Goodness
UNIT 5: Ethics and Contracts
Section A: Contract Negotiations: All Is Fair and Conflicting Interests
Section B: Promises, Performance, and Reality
UNIT 6: Ethics and International Business
Section A: Conflicts between the corporation's ethics and business practices in foreign countries
Section B: Bribes, grease payments, and when in Rome
UNIT 7: Ethics, Operations, and Rights
Section A: Workplace Safety
Section B: Workplace loyalty and conflicts
Section C: Workplace diversity and atmosphere
Section D: Workplace privacy and personal lives
Section E: Workplace confrontation
Section F: Workplace and the environment
UNIT 8: Ethics and Products
Section A: Advertising content
Section B: Product Safety
Section C: Product Sales
Section D: Products and Social Issues
UNIT 9: Ethics and Competition
Section A: Covenants not to compete
Section B: All's fair, or is it?
Section C: Intellectual property and ethics