Cash Flow Compounders

Cash Flow Compounders

Cash Flow Compounders tracks a list of about 100 stocks that passed a rigorous screening process, seeking to identify optimal points to start building a position. It seeks companies that have the ability to compound earnings per share better than market rates over an extended period of time. Cash Flow Compounders will select only the best companies, ones that didn’t lose a dime during the Great Recession, and ones trading at attractive valuations. These names are best in class stocks, ones you can buy and own for years, offering superior after-tax returns.

With Cash Flow Compounders, you will get:

Access to Lott's portfolio of compounders. See the companies that clear his hurdle, and that he is holding in his personal accounts.

An average of 2-4 in-depth new ideas a month.

Regular updates and discussion around core ideas. Follow up articles when appropriate, trading alerts when market opportunities arise, portfolio sizing thoughts, and availability to answer questions and comments as needed.

A live chat room and direct access to Lott for questions. 

Special situation value names that are still high quality but have a specific angle to play—sum of the parts, hidden assets, event-driven stories—and that can add hidden gems to the core compounder.