Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution


Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution is a collection of a widespread application of ideas and theories of the late Herbert Simon and sympathetic economists. A cluster of classic papers in the subject of bounded rationality, economics, cognitive science and related disciplines, it also contains an edited transcript of colloquium between Herbert Simon and a group of Italian economists in Italy in 1988. This book involves increasing emphasis on computer-related theory building. Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution discusses papers by three scholars, Raymond Boudon, Massimo Egidi and Riccardo Vale coming from different disciplines but holding a common interest in bounded rationality.

Table of Contents

PART I: Bounded Rationality: Discussion
1. Introductory Comment
2. Colloquium with H.A. Simon
PART II: Herbert Simon Reprints
3. Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment (1956)
4. Thinking by Computers (1966)
5. Information Processing in Computer and Man (1964)
6. Scientific Discovery as Problem Solving (1988)
PART III: New Papers
7. Subjective Rationality and the Explanation of Social Behaviour by Raymond Boudon
8. Organizational Learning, Problem Solving and the Division of Labour by Massimo Egidi
9. Cognitive Constraints of Economic Rationality by Riccardo Viale
10. Implications for Economics by Robin Marris