Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Full Name
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

Elon Musk is both an illuminating and authorized look at the extraordinary life of one of Silicon Valley's most exciting, unpredictable, and ambitious entrepreneurs—a real-life Tony Stark. It is a fascinating exploration of the renewal of American invention and its new "makers." This book explores one of the pressing questions of our age: can the nation of inventors and creators who led the modern world for a century still compete in an age of fierce global competition? Thorough and insightful, Elon Musk brings to life a technology industry that is rapidly and dramatically changing by examining the life of one of its most powerful and influential titans.

“Mr. Vance tells the stories of both SpaceX and Tesla with intricacy and insight... What does come through is a sense of legitimate wonder at what humans can accomplish when they aim high, and aim weird.

Dwight Garner, New York Times

“[T]his work will likely serve as the definitive account of a man whom so far we’ve seen mostly through caricature. By the final pages, too, any reader will sense the need to put comparisons to Steve Jobs aside. Give Musk credit. There is no one like him.”

New York Times Book Review

“[A] spirited and riveting biography.”

Wall Street Journal

“The SpaceX and Tesla founder certainly sees setbacks as an unavoidable part of innovation. But a brilliant new biography paints a picture of him as an obsessive, intolerant perfectionist.”

Financial Times

“Fascinating and superbly researched…”

The Guardian UK