Energy Income Authority

Energy Income Authority

Energy Income Authority is built to help investors understand what makes a company tick at a very deep level. It identifies the best opportunities in the energy space, particularly in the midstream and downstream areas of the market. If you believe you can benefit from real-world information delivered in a concise format so you can invest with confidence, Energy Income Authority is the perfect community for you.


✓ Exclusive long and short ideas in the energy sector, with a focus on compelling income and value opportunities flying beneath the radar.

✓ An investing universe that spans hundreds of stocks from midstream energy to refiners to the exploration companies themselves. Bonus picks from companies outside the sector are the cherry on top.

✓ Bi-weekly big picture updates. What stocks have rallied or sold off recently? What major projects have been announced or entered service? What trends are there in demand for a certain product and asset types? Company-specific research is just one piece of the puzzle.

✓ The Midstream Energy Tracker, a tool that enables you to get up to date info on distribution coverage, relative valuation, and a number of other metrics across Midstream oil and gas plays. 

✓ Unique on-the-ground reports as Michael Boyd meets with the management team, attends conferences, and tours operating facilities.

✓ The Macro Monday newsletter, a short and sweet offering to keep investors abreast of what is going on in the market at large and how it relates to the core stocks and holdings. This also informs readers where research is focused so expectations are set.

✓ A Portfolio Tracker and quarterly recaps of favorite ideas—including those outside the energy sector—as well as any must-have updates and performance tracking that holds Michael Boyd accountable.

✓ A live chat room, which is open for Q&A and dialogue with Michael Boyd, several Seeking Alpha authors, and the Energy Income Authority subscriber community.