Entry and Exit Confessions of a Champion Trader

Entry and Exit Confessions of a Champion Trader

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Entry and Exit Confessions of a Champion Trader: 52 Ways A Professional Speculator Gets In And Out Of The Stock, Futures And Forex Markets

Entry and Exit Confessions of a Champion Trader is an informative guide containing winning trading entry and exit ideas. It is loaded with 41 entry ideas, 11 exit ideas, and code in Tradestation format and plain English for each. Each entry and exit has been used in actual strategies by Champion trader Kevin Davey. Also included are detailed steps for how best to incorporate these entries and exits in your own trading. Start building strategies today with these fully described entries and exits!

"A great resource with plenty of trading ideas presented  in an easy to understand format complete with Tradestation code that makes working further with these concepts so much simpler!"

— Tim Rea, futures trader, former CTA and 1st and 3rd place trophy winner of a year long real money worldwide trading contest

"As with Kevin's other works, plenty of concrete examples and specific rules. Very useful to learn from or for direct incorporation into your own work."

— Michael Cook, 3 time winner of a worldwide trading contest and Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment

"This Entry and Exit guide is a great complement to Kevin's "Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems". As advertised, this book includes loads of entry and entry ideas with specific code and plain-English explanations. There's lots of good info in here for everyone - whether you're a beginner looking for some solid code examples or an experienced algo trader looking to test a few new entry and exit concepts. Kevin's books are always great - this one is no exception! Five stars."

— David W., Professional Futures Trader, CEO - Futures Research Company and Former Commercial Trader

"Kevin has synthesized his long time trading experience in one book. This is one of the most useful and practical books I've ever read! I strongly recommend. "

— Stefano Serafini, professional futures trader and fund advisor, Two time trophy winner of real money, World Wide Trading Contest