Everything You've Heard About Investing Is Wrong!

Everything You've Heard About Investing Is Wrong!

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Everything You've Heard About Investing Is Wrong! : How to Profit in the Coming Post-Bull Markets

Everything You've Heard About Investing Is Wrong heralds the onset of a new financial era, in which the rules for investors will be dramatically different. Written with wit and humor, this book details recommended strategies, revealing where the markets are headed—and how to ride them to success. According to Gross, a time of little or no inflation, lower interest rates, disciplined global markets, and slow but steady economic growth is going to come, which he called "The Era of 6% Growth".

Here are a few useful quotes from the book:

  • "In the last few years, market behavior has become a lot more anticipatory."

  • "It's fortuitous sometimes to be an outsider on the inside."

  • "Financial assets benefit more from the transition to lower inflation than from the actual lower inflation itself."

  • When talking about how volatility affects option valuation models, he says, "Because of market noise...the short-term volatility of price will be greater than the short-term volatility of value."