Fight For Your Money

Fight For Your Money

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Fight For Your Money: How to Stop Getting Ripped Off and Save a Fortune

Fight For Your Money shows you how every dollar you spend is really a battle between you and the businesses—and the government—who want to take it as profit. It shows how you are being taken on your cell phone contract, cable bill, car purchase, credit card, life insurance, healthcare, 401(k) plan, airfare, hotel bills, and much more. This book gives you all the tools you need to fight back, with websites, phone numbers, sample letters, and real-life stories of ordinary people who have fought for their money and won.


  • Beat the credit card companies at the games they play that cost you thousands annually in interest and fees
  • Make your bank accounts work for you with higher yields and lower fees
  • Save thousands by pre-paying college tuition at today's prices
  • Raise your credit score and pay thousands less in mortgage interest
  • Cut your life insurance premiums in half by making one call
  • Save hundreds on air travel, hotels, and car rentals—just by being an informed consumer
  • Avoid huge rip-offs like bank-issued gift cards, medical credit cards, 401(k) debit cards, and sneaky renewals of your cell phone plan