Forex on Five Hours a Week

Forex on Five Hours a Week

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Forex on Five Hours a Week: How to Make Money Trading on Your Own Time

Trading the forex market has become one of the most popular forms of trading, mainly because of its twenty-four-hour access and the fact that there is always a bull market available in this arena. But not everyone is interested in quitting their jobs and spending all day trying to make a living trading. Forex in Five Hours a Week shows readers how they can master a few techniques, focus their efforts on their choice of time frame, and profit in the forex market. Readers with a day job and little time to dedicate to the market will learn all they need to know to capture consistent profits

Praise for Forex On Five Hours A Week

"The style allows Raghee Horner to tackle the thorniest concept for beginning traders to understand from the outset―shorting. The explanation is one that is the best I've read in many a book, all because she is conversing with you within the pages.

Kiara Ashanti, Active Trader Magazine

"Just who is Raghee Horner? That's easy. If you are a forex trader, Raghee Horner is a young woman who can change your life. She can turn your losses into profits. She can take the mystery out of trading this incredible market.

Peter McKenna, Investor's Business Daily