Global Vision

Global Vision

Full Name
Global Vision: How Companies Can Overcome the Pitfalls of Globalization

Global Vision addresses the business challenges that globalization poses. It will help managers improve their global acumen by developing a better understanding of the cultural, political, and economic risks they face as they expand globally. This book equips the reader with innovative tools to solve the most complex challenges facing global companies. It can help prepare a company not only for global growth but also for profitable ongoing global operations.

Praise for Global Vision

"Global Vision is a must-read for anyone interested in successfully navigating the complexities of globalization."

Vijay Govindarajan, Coxe Distinguished Professor, Tuck School of Business

"In Global Vision, Robert Salomon has constructed a required playbook for a company of any size before it expands into new territory. I'm delighted to have Global Vision as a resource I can continue to tap into."

Marc Cimino, COO, Universal Music Publishing Group

"Global Vision is an insightful discussion of the tangible and intangible factors that must be understood before any business entity attempts to expand globally. Salomon provides an important straightforward recipe to help get it right!"

Barry Alperin, Former COO and Vice Chairman, Hasbro

"Global Vision focuses on the centrality of national institutions - political, economic, and cultural - in facilitating or constraining a company's global expansion. This unique strength of the book also makes it a must-read for corporate leaders charged with designing and managing a firm's global strategy."

Anil K. Gupta, Michael Dingman Chair in Strategy and Globalization, Smith School of Business

"A must-read for anyone contemplating cross-border transactions. Robert Salomon has highlighted the myriad of pitfalls that CEOs forget in their eagerness to expand their markets around the world. Large and small corporations become oblivious to the real risks of globalization. Understanding the mistakes made by these corporations is sobering…and avoidable. This book is a checklist on how to avoid those pitfalls and properly evaluate risk."

Stanley P. Gold, Chairman, Shamrock Holdings, Inc.