Go Green, Live Rich

Go Green, Live Rich

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Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying

Go Green, Live Rich outlines 50 ways to make your life, your home, your shopping, and your finances greener—and get rich trying. From driving the right car to making your home energy smart, this book offers ways to improve the environment while you spend less, save more, earn more, and pay fewer taxes. Best of all, it shows you exactly how to take advantage of the green wave in personal finance without the difficult work of evaluating individual stocks. With Go Green, Live Rich, you can live in line with your eco-values on the road to financial freedom.

Praise for Go Green, Live Rich

“Great news: there is no green premium!  By demonstrating how going green can fit any budget, David Bach shows that good environmental and financial decisions go hand-in-hand.   Bach's Go Green, Live Rich gives great tips, useful to everyone, about how to save money and the planet at once."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

David Bach has done it again! As a green affordable housing developer, I enthusiastically recommend Go Green, Live Rich!  Packed with tips and tools, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to make their home--and their life--more eco-friendly.”

Josh Lockwood, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity 

Go Green, Live Rich is as much about saving money as it is about preserving our world of natural wonders for future generations. This is the rich-green book of a promising tomorrow.”

Matthew Modine, Founder, Bicycle for a Day

Go Green, Live Rich is the ultimate toolkit for greening the planet and our wallets at the same time. No one does a better job than David Bach in showing us the practical strategies for how to enjoy living sustainably.”

Terry Tamminen, Cullman Senior Fellow, New America Foundation