Honest Seduction

Honest Seduction

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Honest Seduction: Using Post-Click Marketing to Turn Landing Pages into Game Changers

Honest Seduction is an extended compilation of blog posts and articles from the people that coined the term post-click marketing. If you’re using paid search, email, or display advertising to drive traffic, leads or transactions, you need to learn the art and science of Honest Seduction. It is both strategic and tactical—providing you with executive and in-the-trenches guidance for achieving higher returns on your marketing investments.

  • Scott Brinker, Anna Talerico and Justin Talerico have been segmenting, qualifying and converting online marketing traffic for Fortune 500 clients since 1994.

  • Honest Seduction provides executives as well as managers with practical guidance for improving the effectiveness of their online marketing.

  • This efficient guide is essential for improving the effectiveness of any online marketing effort.

  • This book is a must-read for anyone in the marketing world.