How to Be a High School Superstar

How to Be a High School Superstar

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How to Be a High School Superstar: A Revolutionary Plan to Get into College by Standing Out (Without Burning Out)

How to Be a High School Superstar explores the world of relaxed superstars—students who scored spots at the nation’s top colleges by leading uncluttered and authentic lives. Drawing from extensive interviews and cutting-edge science, this book explains the surprising truths behind these superstars’ mixture of happiness and admissions success. These insights are accompanied by step-by-step instructions to help any student adopt the relaxed superstar lifestyle —proving that getting into college doesn’t have to be a chore to survive, but can be instead the reward for living a genuinely interesting life.

“Disguised as a peppy college-admission guide, Newport’s book is actually a profound, life-affirming manifesto for ambitious high school students. Forego the sleepless and cynical path to college acceptance. Instead, blaze your trail to the Ivy League by living a full life and immersing yourself in things that matter. Relax. Find meaning. Be you.”

David Shenk, author of The Genius in All of Us

“As a former Ivy league admissions officer, I was overjoyed to see a book that hit the nail on the head regarding selective college admissions and how to take the process in stride. Students will find his book extremely useful and admissions officers will be relieved to see applicants who escape the ‘cookie cutter’ syndrome.”

Dr. Michele Hernandez, author of A is for Admission, and president of Hernandez College Consulting and Application Boot Camp

How to Be a High School Superstar should be on the shelf of every student who wonders how to stand out in the increasingly competitive race to get into a top college. Cal Newport has a keen sense of what types of students and activities appeal to college admissions officers and his advice is exceptionally easy to execute. His approach will not only help you win the admissions race, it will keep you sane while you run the marathon.”

Joie Jager-Hyman, author of Fat Envelope Frenzy

“This book changes everything. Put away your traditional college plan and get ready to learn something that really works.”

Chris Guillebeau, founder of The Art of Non-Conformity blog

“Newport possesses an outstanding sense of high school students’ lives, as well as the science behind using free time to become interesting, interested, engaged, and authentic. He provides many excellent principles with numerous practical, real life examples to illustrate his points and to help students take immediate action.”

Dr. Linda Caldwell, Professor at Penn State University