How to Be the Startup Hero

How to Be the Startup Hero

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How to Be the Startup Hero: A Guide and Textbook for Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Startup Heroes are the ones that drive progress. Whether you bring us to another planet or make your neighborhood a nicer, happier place, you can become a Startup Hero. This book is the first step. With How to Be the Startup Hero, you will learn how to think big, drive change, and go full speed ahead. At the very least, you will have a new perspective on how real progress is made, and at the very best, it might just change your life.

  • This book takes you through a variety of activities, questions, stories and challenges working both the right and left side of your brain and all parts in between.

  • Tim Draper offers a set of principles distilled with stories, insights, and questions you can use to startup your hero journey.

  • Draper also provides a toolkit for approaching your current or future venture.

"A willingness to fail allows me to take bigger risks with my investments, which on the whole has generated more extraordinary returns than if I had not been willing to fail. Nevertheless, I have experienced a few enormous failures that were hard to walk away from and equally hard to learn from."

Tim Draper, How to be The Startup Hero: A Guide and Textbook for Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Entrepreneurs