
Increase Clients For Your Local Business

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Increase Clients For Your Local Business: How Small Businesses Thrive and Others Don't

If you’re thinking of ways on how your local business can thrive, then this book is for you. As most of the business owners’ concerns center more about the product or service that they’re going to sell than who is going to buy for them, the authors shed some light on where your focus must be. This book helps you consider your customers—what they want, when they want it, and how much are they willing to pay for it. If you have considered these factors, then you could customize your product or service to meet their needs. Increase Clients For Your Local Business shares the safest, most secure method is to use direct marketing: advertising, word of mouth, and telesales.

In order to take the direct marketing approach, you need to know:

  • Your target customer
  • What media do they respond to
  • Ensure that they want what you're selling
  • Know what they are willing to sacrifice to have it