Innovation Investor

Innovation Investor

Innovation Investor is a premium service focused on growth-focused equities that are set to surge due to technological advancements. Keeping you on the loop on everything related to disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, Luke Lango uncovers ground-floor opportunities in explosive new megatrends, including blockchain, autonomous vehicles, and even supercomputing. The newsletter offers detailed research reports, alerts about potential profitable investments, and an extensive model portfolio assembled by Luke Lango himself. The service focuses on unearthing and leveraging high potential tech stocks for maximum gains. Innovation Investor provides an inside look at tomorrow's cutting-edge opportunities today.


This portfolio showcases a selection of hand-picked stocks that embody Luke's investment philosophy.

  • Weekly Updates

Get up-to-date information about the state of the market, any shifts in strategy and key changes in the model portfolio.

These newsletters are packed full of insight, analysis and potential investment opportunities.

This feature offers insight into seven high-growth trends that hold huge upside potential for investors.

  • Direct Email Alerts

Instant notifications ensure you never miss an important update or recommendation.

  • Online Platform Access

Browse through an extensive library of past issues, reports and portfolio updates at your leisure.

  • Prime Customer Support

A dedicated team is ready to assist with any queries or challenges you encounter along your investment journey.


  • Luke Lango is a seasoned and dynamic investor specializing in identifying groundbreaking tech companies that show promising growth.

  • He is a senior investment analyst at InvestorPlace, where his innovation-driven approach to investment has been instrumental.

  • He also has extensive experience as a venture capitalist and developed a vast network of Silicon Valley contacts over the years.