Mastering the Market Cycle

Mastering the Market Cycle

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Mastering the Market Cycle: Getting the Odds on Your Side

Mastering the Market Cycle is the perfect handbook to be familiar and master the cycles that govern the markets. It aims to help you get comfortable with the market flow in order to know the best time to pull out and when to stay. The insights provided by this handbook lets you learn the patterns of ups and downs that affect not just the markets and companies, but also human thinking and investing behaviors. Keen understanding and knowledge about past cycles lets you be familiar with the flow. Hence, by taking Mastering the Market Cycle to heart, you will stay alert and prepared while other investors get blindsided by unexpected events. Through better awareness of the different reasons behind the rhythm of cycles, you are guaranteed a life of financial freedom.

Howard Marks, among the world’s most successful investment managers as well as an intellectual leader of the profession [has written a new book].  Mastering the Market Cycle is…wise…A careful reading can make us better investors and protect us from the all too frequent errors that ruin investment results.”

Burton G. Malkiel, Wall Street Journal

Howard Marks’s Mastering the Market Cycle is a must-read, because the cycles covered in this book are important and because Howard is one of the investing greats of his generation.”

— Ray Dalio, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Co-Chairman, Bridgewater Associates 


“I always say, ‘There’s no better teacher than history in determining the future.’ Howard’s book tells us how to learn from history . . . and thus get a better idea of what the future holds.”

— Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway 

“While most investment professionals take the standard out – that ‘you can’t time the market’ – in Mastering the market Cycle Howard Marks, a living investment legend, takes the contrarian point of view that not only can you time markets, but it’s imperative that you do so.”

Bill Gurley, General Partner, Benchmark

 “Mastering the Market Cycle reveals how cycles not only coincide with, but also cause, financial Market risk and opportunity. Written in plain English, Howard Marks’s hard-earned wisdom will help readers tilt the odds in their favor.”

Jeffrey Gundlach, Founder, DoubleLine Capital 

”If you’re uncertain as to whether there will be a correction in the market – or if you think there’s no reason to worry because ‘it’s different this time’ – you have to read this book before you make a move.”

Carl C. Icahn, Chairman, Icahn Enterprises


“When I see memos from Howard Marks in my mail, they’re the first thing I open and read. I always learn something, and that goes double for his book.”

— Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway