Pring on Price Patterns

Pring on Price Patterns

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Pring on Price Patterns: The Definitive Guide to Price Pattern Analysis and Intrepretation

Pring on Price Patterns is today's most comprehensive review of price patterns⁠—what they are, how they work, and which will work best for you. It provides both new and experienced technical traders with today's most in-depth guide to the analysis and interpretation of price patterns. To determine how prices are most likely to move, and when, it is vital that you first develop a thorough knowledge of price patterns. Martin Pring on Price Patterns reveals how and why price patterns have come to be regarded as today's single-best tool for traders.

Pring on Price Patterns takes a detailed and implementation-based look at:

  • Virtually every popular price pattern, from classics such as head-and-shoulders to shorter-term patterns for today's fast-action traders
  • Market-proven techniques for using one- and two-bar patterns⁠—increasingly vital for day and swing traders
  • Tips for placing stops designed to kick in only when the inevitable false breakouts occur