Strategic Risk Taking is the first book to provide ways to use risk to increase firm value, drive higher growth and returns, and create real competitive advantage. It helps you separate good risk from bad risk, showing how to utilize the former while protecting yourself against the latter. Strategic Risk Taking introduces powerful financial tools for evaluating risk and demonstrates how to draw on other disciplines to make these tools even more effective. This book encompasses both risk hedging at one end of the spectrum and strategic risk taking on the other.
Strategic Risk Taking helps you use risk to increase firm value, drive higher growth and returns, and create real competitive advantage.
This is a groundbreaking book that redefines risk in business as a potentially powerful rather than negative strategy to help increase profits.
Aswath Damodaran explains the following:
- Risk: The history and the psychology
- Risk-adjusted value, probabilistic approaches, value at risk, and more
- Utilizing the power of real options
Table of Contents
About the Author
A Roadmap for Understanding Risk
Chapter 1-4. The Economists' View of Risk Aversion and the Behavioral Response
Chapter 1: What is Risk?
Chapter 2: Why Do We Care About Risk?
Chapter 3: What Do We Think About Risk?
Chapter 4: How Do We Measure Risk?
Chapter 5-8. Risk Assessment: Tools and Techniques
Chapter 5: Risk-Adjusted Value
Chapter 6: Probabilistic Approaches: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees, and Simulations
Chapter 7: Value at Risk VaR
Chapter 8: Real Options
Chapter 9-12. Risk Management: The Big Picture
Chapter 9: Risk Management: The Big Picture
Chapter 10: Risk Management: Profiling and Hedging
Chapter 11: Strategic Risk Management
Chapter 12: Risk Management: First Principles