Strategies And Rational Decisions In The Securities Options Market

Strategies And Rational Decisions In The Securities Options Market


Strategies And Rational Decisions In The Securities Options Market presents a wealth of information that provides a study that proves to be rewarding and profitable. This book presents a technical discussion of the securities options market, developed by scholars and serious investors, with sixteen alternative investment strategies considered, including several that involve either the buying or selling of option contracts. This is the first study of securities options to be dined in such detail and with such attention to alternative circumstances that may surround the investment situation. The authors delivered a message that, faced with certain situations, an investor can substantially improve his portfolio performance by engaging in a variety of option strategies.

  • The payoff of the strategies is grammed clearly in the light of potential dollar changes in the underlying common stock assumed to be held over a six-month ten-day period, and there is also some discussion of what might be expected with interim selling.

  • Both professional economists and professional investors will find the relation of the subject to the theory of games and decision theory highly informative and engrossing.

  • The authors suggest improving the functioning of the options market so that more investors may be able to take advantage of this vehicle for better investment performance.