

TechnoLease identifies capital equipment leasing opportunities to enable individuals or entities to purchase equipment which they lease to businesses. Purchasers of equipment enter into a multi-year lease with a creditworthy business to receive monthly payments and potential tax benefits from the depreciation of the equipment.

Qualifications for equipment purchase and leaseback opportunities to be listed on TechnoLease:

  • Equipment must be manufactured by a recognized manufacturer. This mitigates the risk of equipment failure and also servicing if needed.
  • Equipment must address a secular growth market. This mitigates the risk of a recession.
  • The lessor of equipment must be creditworthy and have a viable business model. This mitigates the risk of lessee going out of business
  • If the lessor is not a blue-chip company the transaction must be insurable so that the equipment purchaser will receive a return of at least their principal should lessee fail to make the payments under the terms and conditions of the lease.