
The End Is Not Nigh


The End is Not Nigh explains the global financial system and its characterization of a mixture of currency freedom and manipulations. With the analysis that presents the financial and economic balance between major economic blocs, this book also discusses the major currencies in the world with a free float, other currencies with a dirty float or fixed exchange rates, and countries that have decided to make their currencies inconvertible. The authors also explain that state affairs lead to profound price, volume, and distortions. The End is Not Nigh contains some positive outlooks on the global financial markets, and the goal to maintain the exchange rates.

The End is Not Nigh triggers important questions:

  1. What distortions does the intervention of non-market players in the Asian foreign exchange markets engender?
  2. Are the distortions abating? Or accelerating?
  3. How long can those distortions last?
  4. If/when the adjustment comes, what assets will be most at risk?