The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists

The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists

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The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists: 1,000 Tips to Help You Start and Grow Your Business

The Entrepreneur’s Book of Checklists is an invaluable source of reference at every stage of the small business journey. As important as an evangelist’s bible, or a car mechanic’s workshop manual, this book will be used, heavily bookmarked, and become a much-worn friend. Packed with examples of businesses that started up just like you, everyone who contributed to this book wants you to succeed as they have done. The Entrepreneur’s Book of Checklists is your first step to joining their success.

Praise for The Entrepreneur's Book of Checklists

"If you are the sort of person who would love to start a business of your own but has not yet dared to take the plunge because you have no idea of where to start, The Entrepreneur’s Book of Checklists could go a long way to reducing the sense of panic and introducing some clarity and order into your life when you need it most."

The Sunday Times

"This book is full of the stuff the 'experts' never tell you, use it as your shortcut to success". 

Rowan Gormley, CEO of Virgin Wines