The Entrepreneur’s Weekly Nietzsche

The Entrepreneur’s Weekly Nietzsche

Full Name
The Entrepreneur’s Weekly Nietzsche: A Book for Disruptors

The Entrepreneur’s Weekly Nietzsche extracts from Nietzsche a modern Art of War, connecting the dots to our high-tech business environment. Each quick, digestible chapter expands on a quote from Nietzsche to stimulate your thinking about a vital aspect of entrepreneurship, and stories from entrepreneurs help make the ideas concrete. Understand why hitting bottom might be the best thing that can happen, how your firm's artistic style can align your organization, and the role obsession plays in your success—and your definition of it.

From the Author

"I would not know how to live, if I were not a seer of what is to come. A seer, a purposer, a creator, a future itself, and a bridge to the future..."