The Legal Environment of Business

The Legal Environment of Business


The Legal Environment of Business is an excellent guide that offers the opportunity to learn key points of the law from the standpoint of a working professional. With instructions to help you examine the practical structure and function of the legal system, it also contains chapter outlines, fill-in-the-blank vocabulary questions, true or false questions, and multiple-choice questions to aid students in studying. This book also includes readable cases that summarize background facts and lower court holdings, in addition to analyses of strong emphasis on the mechanics of legal rules that directly impact business today. The Legal Environment of Business proves critical points of law using business-specific examples and realistic scenarios, with readable style that complements extensive knowledge of domestic and international business.

Table of Contents
Part I: Elements of Law and the Judicial Process
1. Today's Business Environment: Law and Ethics
2. The Court Systems
3. Trials and Resolving Disputes
4. The Constitution: Focus on Application to Business
5. Criminal Law and Business
Part II: Elements of Traditional Business Law
6. Elements of Torts
7. Business Torts and Product Liability
8. Real and Personal Property
9. Intellectual Property
10. Contracts
11. Domestic and International Sales
12. Business Organizations
13. Negotiable Instruments, Credit, and Bankruptcy
Part III: The Employment Relationship
14. Agency and the Employment Relationship
15. Employment and Labor Regulations
16. Employment Discrimination
Part IV: The Regulatory Environment of Business
17. The Regulatory Process
18. Securities Regulation
19. Consumer Protection
20. Antitrust Law
21. Environmental Law
22. The International Legal Environment of Business
Appendix A: Legal Research and the Internet
Appendix B: Case Analysis and Legal Sources
Appendix C: The Constitution of the United States of America
Appendix D: The Uniform Commercial Code (Excerpts)
Appendix E: National Labor Relations Act (Excerpts)
Appendix F: Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Excerpts)
Appendix G: Americans with Disabilities Act (Excerpts)
Appendix H: The Antitrust Statutes (Excerpts)
Appendix I: Securities Statutes (Excerpts)