The Power of Self-Confidence

The Power of Self-Confidence

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The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life

Your level of self-confidence determines the size of the goals you set, the energy and determination that you focus on achieving them, and the amount of persistence you apply to overcome every obstacle. The Power of Self-Confidence explains how to increase your mental fitness by thinking like top performers in every field. You discover how to determine what you really want, and unleash your personal powers to accomplish it.

You'll learn how to:

  • Clarify and live consistently with your values to become the very best person you could possibly be
  • Set clear goals and make written plans to accomplish them
  • Commit yourself to mastery in your chosen field and to lifelong personal improvement
  • Program your subconscious mind to respond in a positive and constructive way to every problem or difficulty
  • Minimize your weaknesses and maximize your strengths for higher achievement
  • Develop high levels of courage and incredible persistence