The Responsible Company

The Responsible Company

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The Responsible Company: What We've Learned from Patagonia's First 40 Years

The Responsible Company is an exceptionally frank account that recounts how the company and its culture gained the confidence, by step and misstep, to make its work progressively more responsible, and to ultimately share its discoveries with companies as large as Wal-Mart or as small as the corner bakery. This is the first book to show companies how to thread their way through an economic sea change and slow the drift toward ecological bankruptcy. Its advice is simple but powerful: reduce your environmental footprint, make legitimate products that last, reclaim deep knowledge of your business and its supply chain to make the most of opportunities in the years to come, and earn the trust you’ll need by treating your workers, customers, and communities with respect.

  • The Responsible Company describes the current impact of manufacturing and commerce on the planet's natural systems and human communities, and how that impact now forces business to change its ways.

  • This book encourages and shows companies how to reduce the harm they cause, improve the quality of their business, and provide the kind of meaningful work everyone seeks.

  • It concludes with specific, practical steps every business can undertake, as well as advice on what to do, in what order.

Table of Contents

  1. What We Do For a Living?

  2. What Crisis?

  3. The Responsible Company in Our Time

  4. Meaningful Work

  5. The Elements of Business Responsibility

  6. Sharing Knowledge

  7. Where to From Here?

Appendix: The Checklists


Recommended Reading

