Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice

Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice

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Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice: A Guide to Success for Black Americans

This book is a combination of Napoleon Hill’s law of success with author Dennis Kimbro’s insights based on his vast knowledge of business, contemporary affairs, and the vibrant culture of Black America. Kimbro essentially expounds the principles found in Think and Grow Rich while catering it to Black people and people of color, progressing into success and personal empowerment. Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice is an inspiring, practical, and well-written reference that relays the success of Black Americans, including Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, Dr. Selma Burke, Oprah Winfrey, and many others.

  • Napoleon Hill left behind a partial manuscript tailoring his winning program for a black audience, and The Napoleon Hill Foundation chose Dennis Kimbro to complete it.

  • In Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Dennis Kimbro looks at the lives of successful black Americans, distills the secrets of their success, and combines that information with his own vast knowledge.

  • This book is a powerful and inspiring account that will give everyone the tools they need to make their own dreams come true.