Twelve and a Half

Twelve and a Half

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Twelve and a Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success

Twelve and a Half is an iconoclastic book that will help you refine your ingredients and improve your leadership capabilities. In this book, bestselling author and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk explores the 12 human ingredients that have led to his success and happiness and provides exercises to help you develop these traits yourself. He also shares what the "half" is--that emotional ingredient of leadership he's weakest at and makes the most effort to improve. Twelve and a Half teaches you how to discover your own "halves" and offers insight on how to strengthen them.


"Vaynerchuk draws on his experiences, successes, and mistakes to offer uplifting advice about leadership and happiness. . . . A genial business guru redefines success."

—Kirkus Reviews

"A dishy memoir and a kind of 'best of Gary' anecdotes and reflections." 


“A forward-thinking revelation and an enjoyable read. This is not your typical nuts-and-bolts guide to being a better businessperson, but it is instead a personal journey through Vaynerchuk’s psyche that shows that there’s a lot more to being successful than KPIs, numbers, and drive. Twelve and a Half isn’t just about making you a better businessperson—it’s about making you a better human being, which is exactly what we need right now.” 
