
Where to Stash Your Cash Legally

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Where to Stash Your Cash Legally: Offshore Financial Centers of the World

With unfathomable budget deficits and the loss of some of America's largest and most respected corporations, you owe it to yourself to have an actionable game plan to protect your future. Where to Stash Your Cash Legally tells your everything you need to know about your privacy and how to protect it. It lays out the reasons and uses of an offshore haven and the ways and means of moving your assets and wealth offshore to a tax-free or low-tax jurisdiction. Where to Stash Your Cash Legally also discusses the personal, financial, and business strategies you can employ.

In this book, you'll discover:

  • What to know about your privacy and how to protect it.

  • Reasons and uses of an offshore haven and the ways and means of moving your assets and wealth offshore to a tax-free or low-tax jurisdiction.

  • Personal, financial and business strategies you can employ offshore now, even before you finally choose your own best tax or asset haven.

  • Steps for choosing your offshore bank and important questions to be sure to ask.

  • Reasons to invest offshore, roadblocks to avoid, and legal requirements.

  • Where to find an annuity that can defer taxes on dividends, interest and capital gains.

  • The leading offshore centers based on their individual best uses for you.

  • Bob and Ted's personal contact list which includes a who's who of recommended professionals