Wise Investing Made Simple

Wise Investing Made Simple

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Wise Investing Made Simple: Larry Swedroe's Tales to Enrich Your Future

Wise Investing Made Simple offers engaging stories to readers as a way of explaining sound investing concepts.

Praise for Wise Investing Made Simple

"We remember a good story long after the facts are forgotten. Larry Swedroe tells stories that will change your beliefs-and make yourself a better investor."

— Weston J. Wellington, Vice President, Dimensional Fund Advisors

"Larry Swedroe's book, Wise Investing Made Simple: Larry Swedroe's Tales to Enrich Your Future, is the best one he has yet written. In a series of stories tha tare clear and simple yet profound in their meaning, Mr. Swedroe explains how modern financial markets really work and how any investor who comes to understand this will be able to make more informed and better investment decisions. I highly recommend this book for all levels of investors-as well as their advistors."

— W. Scott Simon, author of The Prudent Investor Act: A Guide to Understanding

"Like stories around the campfire, Swedroe weaves familiar concepts into lessons explaining the mystery of how and why free markets work. Swedroe will clear the smoke and mirrors that conceal the failure of active management."

— Mark T. Hebner, author of Index Funds: The 12-Step Program for Active Investors