Generation Z

Generation Z

Parent term

Generation Z, also known as GenZ or centennials, refers to the generation born after 1997. Known as true digital natives exposed to the internet, social networks, and mobile systems, GenZers value individual expressions and the efficacy of dialogue to solve conflicts and improve the world. GenZers have grown up in a hyper-connected world with smartphones as their preferred method of communication, having grown up with technology, the internet, and social media. This generation is also referred to as the youngest, most ethnically-diverse people that are more likely to accept a liberal set of attitudes with openness to emerging social trends, such as interracial and same-sex marriage than their older counterparts.

  • Technology inclined (they grew up with it)
    • Do not know life without cellphones, internet, etc.
  • Lower fertility rates (possibly to due to lower sperm counts from environmental factors)
  • Grew up during the 2008 financial crisis
    • Generally may be more risk adverse than previous generations
  • Tend to have low rates of alcohol and drug use

Generation Z Criticisms
  • Due to how much time they spend on their phones/online, they are less socially adept (according to older generations)