Alpha Theory

Alpha Theory

Founding Date

Alpha Theory provides a fundamental portfolio optimization tool for hedge fund and mutual fund managers to maximize their portfolio returns. A web-based tool originally designed to address the challenge of developing and maintaining an efficient portfolio, Alpha Theory gives portfolio managers a framework to leverage their instinct and research to build a repeatable system for efficiently sizing positions in real-time. The company's software helps in the financial asset management of the user and also helps asset managers in incorporating their firm's proprietary research and decision criteria. Alpha Theory keeps your portfolio in lock-step with your fundamental research at all times, ensuring your decision process is more disciplined, repeatable and accurate.

  • Alpha Theory makes sure you have the highest exposure to your best ideas and the lowest exposure to your weakest ideas at all times.

  • Alpha Theory's™ solution enhances that competitive advantage and makes it available to the entire investment community.

  • The company is composed of a dynamic, cross-functional leadership team with decades of capital markets industry experience.

  • Their team ensures a deep working knowledge of the investment process and of leading-edge technologies within the industry.

Alpha Theory Benefits

  • Fewer mistakes

  • Higher returns

  • Enhance visibility

  • Custom rules engine

  • Best practice experts

  • Data to improve