Alternative Investment Management Association

Alternative Investment Management Association

Founding Date

The Alternative Investment Management Association is the global representative of the alternative investment industry, with around 2,000 corporate members in over 60 countries. Working to raise media and public awareness of the value of the industry, AIMA draws upon the expertise and diversity of its membership to provide leadership in industry initiatives. AIMA also set up the Alternative Credit Council (ACC) to help firms focused in the private credit and direct lending space. The firm’s fund managers collectively manage more than $2 trillion in hedge fund and private credit assets. AIMA is committed to developing skills and education standards and is a co-founder of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation (CAIA) – the first and only specialized educational standard for alternative investment specialists.


Membership Demographics

Committees and Working Groups

  • 700+ member firms represented on AIMA working groups and committees

  • 2,000+ individual participants on working groups and committees

  • 200+ committees and working groups


  • 250+ AIMA events in 2020

  • 22,000+ attendees at AIMA events in 2020

Digital Media

  • 8,000+ followers of AIMA on Twitter

  • 16,000+ followers of AIMA on LinkedIn

  • 2,000 approx. new followers on LinkedIn in 2020