Lawrence University

Lawrence University

Entity Type
Founding Date

Boasting an eight-to-one student-to-faculty ratio, Lawrence University is a small liberal arts school focused on giving students a customized learning experience. It employs a trimester system, and the special December Term falls during the break between the fall and winter sessions. D-Term is optional and lasts only two weeks, and participating students take a two-week intensive course.

  • Undergraduates receive more than $40 million in grants and scholarships annually, and 97% of all students receive aid.
  • It hosts the student-run Great Midwest Trivia Contest, which lasts 50 consecutive hours and claims to be the longest-running trivia contest in the world, as the first answer of the competition is the answer to the prior year’s last question.
  • The university prides itself on producing student leaders, and 58 students have become Fulbright Scholars since 1976.