Lindsell Train

Lindsell Train

Entity Type
Founding Date

Lindsell Train specializes in the management of UK Equity, Japanese Equity, and Global mandates offered through both segregated accounts and pooled funds. To align the company’s interests with those of clients, Lindsell Train charges competitive management fees.


LF Lindsell Train UK Equity Fund

To deliver capital and income growth and provide a total return in excess of that of the FTSE All-Share TR Index by investing at least 80% of the fund in the shares of UK domiciled companies. 

Lindsell Train Global Equity Fund

To increase the value of Shareholders’ Capital over the longer term from a focused portfolio of global equities, primarily those listed or traded on Recognised Exchanges in developed countries worldwide. 

Lindsell Train Japanese Equity Fund

To increase the value of Shareholders’ Capital over the longer term from a focused portfolio of equities primarily quoted on stock markets in Japan

Lindsell Train Investment Trust PLC

To maximize long-term total returns with a minimum objective to maintain the real purchasing power of Sterling capital.

Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC

To invest principally in the securities of UK quoted companies with the objective of achieving capital and income growth and providing a total return in excess of that of its benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index.