Merriman Market Analyst

Merriman Market Analyst

Founding Date

Merriman Market Analyst is the leader in financial market timing products and services based on research of the correlation of planetary studies to financial markets. Since 1982, thousands of serious investors and traders have profited from the system’s ability to correlate with movements in the markets. They utilize powerful tools for mastering market analysis hidden within discernable patterns all around us. Through these patterns, MMA delivers proprietary financial forecasting tools for gaining insight into financial markets and the general economy. Their advanced research techniques allow them to provide the integration of Cycles, Geocosmic Signatures, and Trend Analysis patterns that assist the serious investor in interpreting the markets.

  • Merriman Market Analyst methodology is the most complete and valuable model for financial market timing available.
  • They consistently demonstrated accurate  short-term market reversals than geocosmic/astrological studies applied to market cycles, which is the heart of every MMA subscription service.
  • MMA continues to publish its annual MMA Forecast Book every December, which has been the company’s most popular Book since 1976.
  • They also continue to write and publish the MMA daily and weekly reports, as well our flagship monthly MMA Cycles Report.