National Federation of Independent Businesses

National Federation of Independent Businesses

Entity Type

NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals

  • nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven
  • founding in 1943
  • exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses
  • When NFIB speaks, legislators listen
  • Issues the NFIB advocates come directly from NFIB’s members and our research
  • asked to bring the small business perspective to Congress, state capitals, the courts, and the media
  • works with trusted providers to offer you quality products and services that can save your business time and money

    NFIB Publications

      NFIB History

      • Founded by C. Wilson Harder in 1943
      • Maintained its headquarters in San Mateo, California, until 1992
      • Relocated to Nashville,TN in 1992.
      • Harder began with a home office and sold the first memberships to his neighbors. His vision was to give small and independent business a voice in governmental decision-making through advocacy. Since its early history, NFIB’s agenda has been determined through a one-vote balloting process of its membership. NFIB has grown from Harder’s for-profit entrepreneurial vision in 1943 to the non-profit national association it is today.