Nomad Capitalist

Nomad Capitalist

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Nomad Capitalist is the world's leading offshore consulting firm. As your one-stop solution for all things financial freedom, Nomad Capitalist helps you legally reduce your taxes overseas, become dual citizens, and protect their assets internationally. The firm offers practical strategies for offshore investments, banking, and dual citizenship to help readers optimize their wealth and gain more control over their financial future. Nomad Capitalist has a robust team of 50+ professionals traversed over 100 countries, identifying the best global citizenship and tax reduction strategies.



  • Action Plan. 

Leverage Nomad Capitalist's founder, Andrew Henderson's, unparalleled, real-world insights, tailored anecdotes and ideas for the most bespoke plan possible.

  • Citizenship by Descent. 

Gain all the advantages of second citizenship, including enhanced freedom to travel, reside, and do business, as well as better services and lower taxes, with zero investment costs.

  • Live Event. 

Spend four days learning from and mingling with Nomad Capitalist's network. Get the latest “what’s working now” strategies on everything from offshore banking to second passports.

Get an insider’s view of the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle and read stories to help you begin your journey. “Nomad Capitalist” explains the WHY and HOW of global citizenship, from the benefits of dual citizenship to how to invest in frontier markets.


The Nomad Capitalist Passport Index was created to highlight the best citizenships in the world. 

Discover the world’s best beaches. The Nomad Beach Index was designed to highlight the best beaches in the world on the basis of not just beauty but also available services, taxes, immigration, and safety.

The Nomad Real Estate Yield Index was designed to track the performance of real estate securities in 103 different countries, including both developed and developing property markets.

  • Nomad Citizenship Map. 

The greener the color, the more ways to obtain citizenship for that particular country.