Serengeti Asset Management

Serengeti Asset Management

Serengeti Asset Management is a leading investment firm that employs an opportunistic, value-driven investment approach to credit and equities. It focuses on event-driven or special situation strategies that capitalize on complex, misunderstood, and niche opportunities. Serengeti also provides institutions and private company executives with sophisticated solutions to funding challenges through its dedicated financing platforms.


Credit Strategies

SerengetiĀ seeks to generate attractive, steady returns through a diversified credit portfolio that invests opportunistically in smaller niches of the market. The strategies benefit from their diverse credit exposure with a balance between uncorrelated, often self-liquidating investments in Core Steady Debt and catalyst-driven returns in Higher-Yielding Opportunities.

Private Investment Strategies

Serengeti seeks to generate attractive, multi-year returns by capturing the complexity and illiquidity premium from assets that are difficult to source, underwrite, structure or model. It is designed to focus on developing financing platforms and locating assets to take advantage of smaller-sized opportunities created by dislocations or the need for capital and that may be below the radar screen of larger investment firms with similar expertise.