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Stockopedia is an Oxford-based research network and community site, offering tools for inventors to analyze, filter, and connect investment ideas. They help private investors beat stock markets all over the world with their online subscription services by providing the fundamental investing toolkit to stay ahead of the pack. Stockopedia provides the key tools investors need to improve decision-making, maximize profit potential and minimize risk. They offer 8000+ Stock Reports across the UK and all major European markets, 60+ investment models that emulate strategies from investment classics and acclaimed research, and the UK's most advanced stock screener. Stockopedia’s services are acclaimed by customers and the financial media.

Stockopedia helps investors to:

  • Easily research the potential and health of stocks

  • Generate investment ideas using proven-expert strategies

  • Improve decision making with criteria-based checklist

  • Optimize portfolios and highlight red flags

Your subscription to Stockopedia will give you:

  • A decade of research into what works in stock markets

  • Millions of pounds of platform investment

  • Countless hours of research time saved

  • Access to hundreds of educational articles and ebooks

  • Over 30 talented professionals working flat out for you

  • A team of the very best bloggers acting as mentors

  • Saving you thousands in advisory fees every year