Wise Investor Group

Wise Investor Group

The Wise Investor Group is a value-oriented team servicing clients' financial needs for over 20 years. It provides portfolio management, financial planning, and investment analysis to individuals and families. With highly skilled professionals in-house and an accessible network of experts at Baird, WIG delivers well-researched and in line services.


Financial Planning

WIG helps you create a written financial plan that aligns with your unique circumstances—including your risk and return objectives, tax efficiency, liquidity needs, and charitable preferences.

Portfolio Management

Utilizing a list of high-quality companies, WIG will select a combination of securities designed to help achieve your specific investment goals. Through its annual review process, WIG ensures your portfolio allocation and holdings reflect any changes made to your financial plan.

Investment Analysis

WIG closely examines a company’s fundamental business operations before it makes any investments on your behalf. It scrutinizes the company’s history of earnings and dividends, as well as the strength of its products, services, and management team. 

Insurance and Annuities

By coordinating with your attorneys and tax advisors, WIG incorporates insurance into your retirement, estate and wealth transfer plans to maximize the benefits during your lifetime and provide for those you care about after you’re gone.