Casey Kuhlman is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Monax Industries, a blockchain-based contract management system for small businesses. Prior to this, he served as the Head of Legal Information Systems at the Open Data Institute. Kuhlman is a well-known lawyer and software engineer specializing in legal process management, smart contracts, and decentralized autonomous organizations. He has extensive experience at the intersection of law and economic development, particularly in the Horn of Africa.
Casey Kuhlman Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Kuhlman's background is anything but traditional for somebody in the open data sector. He has a rare collection of unrelated experiences: working with the government, developing software, and working with open data.
Kuhlman credits much of his success in the entrepreneurial space to his time as a Marine. Here are three lessons he learned from his experience as a service member:
Kuhlman has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.