David Eagleman

David Eagleman

Formal First Name
4/25/1971 - present

David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and a New York Times bestselling author. He is best known for his work on sensory substitution, time perception, brain plasticity, synesthesia, and neurolaw. Beyond his 100+ academic publications, he has published many popular books. Eagleman has served as an academic editor for several scientific journals. He appears regularly on radio and television to discuss literature and science. He was named Science Educator of the Year by the Society for Neuroscience and was featured as one of the Brightest Idea Guys by Italy's Style magazine.

Professional Experience

Academic History

Eagleman is a TED speaker, a Guggenheim Fellow, a winner of the McGovern Award for Excellence in Biomedical Communication, a Next Generation Texas Fellow, Vice-Chair on the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Neuroscience & Behaviour, a research Fellow in the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, Chief Scientific Advisor for the Mind science Foundation, and a board member of The Long Now Foundation.

He was the scientific advisor for the television drama Perception and has been profiled on the Colbert Report, NOVA Science Now, the New Yorker, CNN's Next List, and many other venues.