Jamie Dimon

Jamie Dimon

Formal First Name
3/13/1956 - present

Jamie Dimon is most well known for being the Chief Executive Officer of JP Morgan Chase, largest of the big four American banks. He is a director of The College Fund/UNCF and serves on the Board of Directors of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Harvard Business School and Catalyst. He is also on the Board of Trustees of New York University School of Medicine. Mr. Dimon does not serve on the board of any publicly traded company other than JPMorgan Chase.

Jamie Dimon Criticisms
  • He has taken more from the finanical system than he has created
    • He is a billionaire, but didn't even found/start the bank - made it by running it
    • Is paid tens of millions of dollars per year, but the bank is backstopped by the Federal Reserve and US government in times of crisis 
    • While he (and other executives) grow extremely wealthy through the bank, deposit holders receive any interest