Jeremy Samide

Jeremy Samide

Formal First Name

Jeremy Samide is the Chief Executive Officer of Stealthcare, a global cybersecurity company. With over 18 years of experience working in cybersecurity, Samide has gained extensive experience in dealing with state-sponsored threats from adversarial groups all over the world. He has held the highest levels of US security clearance. Samide also has both tactical and strategic experience in dealing with online privacy and reputation issues for family offices and the UHNW. His unique insights and expertise has resonated throughout the world and has been a key factor in the success of businesses and executives globally.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Samide is a sought-after speaker in the areas of cyber threat intelligence, next-generation security threats, and cyber risk.
  • He has supported secret operations for the US Intelligence, Department of Defense, Federal Law Enforcement, and allied foreign governments.
  • He has advised private organizations around the world on how to protect themselves.
  • He has trained, briefed, and worked with Europe, NATO, and Asian intelligence agencies and military forces in the area of cyber warfare.
  • He is working with academia from Harvard University, Boston university, MIT, Northeastern, and UCLA to submit an action plan on the cyber warfare initiative.
  • He has also consulted to the award-winning TV show on CBS, “Person of Interest.” 
  • He serves as a Michael Dukakis Fellow at the Boston Global Forum, where he is part of a team of experts producing an action plan for the cyber warfare initiate.
  • He has been invited to speak at global conferences in Canada, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Switzerland, Poland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and across the United States
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.