Mason Nystrom is a Senior Research Analyst at Messari, a firm that provides market intelligence that drives high-conviction participation in the crypto economy. His primary expertise and focus is on Web3, including categories such as NFTs, Metaverses, Social Tokens, and other emerging trends. In addition, he is the author of Unsyndicated, a newsletter focused on Bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi, Web3.0, and all things crypto. Prior to joining Messari, Mason worked for ConsenSys as a marketer focused on marketing strategy for the firm and its portfolio companies. Previously, Mason worked as a business analyst at Gatecoin, the first cryptocurrency exchange to list Ether, Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency.
Mason Nystrom Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Master of Science in Busin in Science Management, Hong Kong Baptist University
Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Christian University
Mason has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA
NSCA-CPT, National Strength and Conditioning Association