Sebastian Ceria is the Chief Executive Officer of Qontigo, a fintech firm that produces key indices and analytics to enable its clients to compete in the rapidly changing marketplace. Previously, he was the Founder and CEO of Axioma, a developer of risk analytics and portfolio management tools and software. Axioma was a leading provider of innovative risk management and portfolio construction, and was combined with DAX and STOXX to form Qontigo in 2019. Throughout his career, Sebastian has helped to drive innovations in robust optimization and its application to portfolio management. He is the author of numerous articles in industry and academic publications, and is a recipient of the Career Award for Operations Research from the National Science Foundation.
Sebastian Ceria Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Prior to founding Axioma, he was an Associate Professor of Decision, Risk and Operations at Columbia Business School.
Sebastian was cited by the NAE for his work in the “Application of optimization tools to advance integer programming and financial engineering.”
He specializes in management science, mathematical programming, optima and operations research.
He holds a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Bachelor's Degree from the university of Buenos Aires.
Sebastian Ceria’s Publications
Incorporating Estimation Errors into Portfolio Selection: Robust portfolio Construction
To Optimize or Not to Optimize: Is That the Question?
Factor Alignment Problems and Quantitative Portfolio Management