Tyler Laundon is a small-cap expert and Chief Analyst of Cabot Small-Cap Confidential, a limited-subscription advisory that features in-depth research on one outstanding small-company stock that pioneers in its field and is undiscovered by analysts. He is also the editor of the grand slam advisory, Cabot Early Opportunities. Laundon has over 20 years of investment research experience and has spent his entire financial career analyzing, consulting, and managing startup and small-cap companies. His research focuses on evaluating the viability of management's growth strategies, trends in addressable markets, and achievements of major development milestones. Prior to joining Cabot in 2015, he served as Chief Analyst of Growth Stocks at Wyatt Investment Research, where his research spanned the full spectrum of the growth stock universe, from micro-cap start-ups to multinational mega-caps.
Tyler Laundon Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Laundon first began publishing his analysis of small-cap opportunities in 2009. Since 2012, he has led his subscribers into 10 doubles.
Between 2012 and September, 2015 his small-cap recommendations generated cumulative returns of over 2,300%.
Laundon has been a long-time contributor to Wall Street’s Best Investments and has been quoted by U.S. News & World Report.
He has presented investing ideas and strategies for The Money Show and Bloomberg Markets LiveINSIGHTS.
Prior to Cabot and Wyatt, he was a consultant for Fletcher Allen Healthcare, Vermont's largest university hospital and medical center.
He also served as a consultant for Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, where he provided business planning, financial modeling and other consulting services.
Before that, he was the founder and president of Topwater Enterprises, a house painting and construction business serving resort communities.